Kayleen put her health first and regained her happiness and confidence

A before and after image of Kayleen showing her very noticeable weight loss.

After quitting a highly demanding job that was putting a huge strain on her mental and physical health, Kayleen finally had time to focus on herself and put her health first. This led her to the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, which helped her overcome her Craver Diet Type tendencies and lose an impressive 51 kg*!  

Diet Type: Craver

Total Loss: 51 kg*

Refund Received^: Yes

*In 2 years. Individual results may vary.

Kayleen’s Story

Describe your life before the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet

I have always been overweight, even as a child I was always the ‘fat kid’. Even though growing up we always ate lots of vegetables every day, we also ate lots of junk food and unhealthy portions of food.

At the start of last year, I was in a very highly demanding job role that led me to a depressive mind frame. I never focused on doing anything for myself, I was always looking after everyone else. I was too exhausted all the time to even think about eating healthy; I would buy my lunch nearly every day at work and when I came home it was just anything that I could find to throw together for dinner. I was also a serial snacker on chocolate, chips, energy drinks, iced coffee etc.

I always used to feel so tired and lethargic, and I was puffed out just walking up one flight of stairs. My joints were so sore, and I was very unhappy.

My ‘moment of truth’ came a few months after I had quit my stressful job. I finally had time to focus on myself and my major focus was to get my happiness back!

Why did you choose the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet?

In the past I had tried the Michelle Bridges 12 week challenge and I had also done Lite n' Easy. Whilst I did have great results from both, I had always put the weight back on as neither program was sustainable long term, especially Lite n' Easy.

I chose to give the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet a go when I saw Terry Munro on a news program having lost 100 kg*. I spoke to my brother who had tried it many years before and knew it had worked for him. He explained the program to me and how the units worked. I thought it was something I could achieve.

*Individual results may vary.

A before and after image of Kayleen showing her very noticeable weight loss.

Your Diet Type is a Craver. How has knowing your Diet Type helped your weight loss journey?

If I saw food that I thought looked delicious, or if I could even just smell it, I felt like I had to have it. How unhealthy it may have been never even crossed my mind.

Knowing I was a Craver helped me identify when I was actually hungry and when I just wanted to eat for the sake of eating! A lot of my cravings are easily adaptable to be CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet-friendly, so I have never felt like I am missing out on anything.

How has your life changed since losing weight?

I’ve accomplished some big health achievements – especially mental ones. I am no longer in a depressive state. I feel so much pride and excitement when I achieve mini goals like losing 10 kg then 20 then 30 and now 37! The best one was finally getting under 100 kg*, which is something I had never done since I was at least 11 years old.

Since losing weight, I have gained so much confidence in myself. I am no longer embarrassed to go shopping for clothes. I have gone from a size 22 to a 14–16. I enjoy going out and socialising with my friends more and I joined a bowling league. I even renovated our bathroom all by myself! While they may not seem like big things to most, they are huge to me.

Tell us about how the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet has helped your family

I joined the online program 3 and a half years ago, but mum was also a big fan of the original CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet book. Once she saw my results, she joined the digital version and has seen some great results.

Over the years we have done various weight loss programs together with mixed results. We’re both competitive people and have had a lot of fun finding success with the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet.

My brother has also used the program and Dad’s lost weight with the introduction of all the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet recipes mum cooks.

*Individual results may vary.

A long blue banner with an after shot of Kayleen with the quote "Since losing weight, I have gained so much confidence in myself" next to the image.

What advice do you have for others losing weight?

My advice is to just trust the science! Do not try to bring “Oh but I did this and that on another diet and it worked for me” into it. There is a reason you are no longer doing that diet! So just trust the science, follow the units and start by following the meal plans to a T before you try to freestyle, so you truly understand what the program is about.

What advice do you have for fellow Cravers?

My advice to other Cravers is that the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet is 100% manageable. You can make anything fit into your daily units so you do not feel deprived. Plan your food out at least the day before and just focus on those foods. Get excited for your meals, even if it is just a chicken and salad sandwich! Focus on how satisfying it will be when you see the results on the scales and in the mirror!

Kayleen's Day on a Plate

Breakfast: Ricotta hotcakes with berries and yoghurt

Lunch: Homemade pumpkin soup and a toastie

Dinner: Barramundi curry with snake beans 

Snacks: Fruit and yoghurt 

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