Nicole Pritchard, Total Wellbeing Dietitian
Experience a day in the life of Nicole Pritchard, Total Wellbeing Dietitian, featuring peanut butter and oats for breakfast, a quick and easy lunch, and a spicy dinner dish to end the day! Check out her plate!
"I often make oats up in individual containers at the start of the week and place in the fridge so that I can grab and go in the mornings. One of my favourites is the Nutty banana overnight oats."
"Oats are a great way to start the day as they are high fibre and low GI to keep me feeling fuller for longer, and ensure I get a healthy combination of fruit, dairy and healthy fats."
"By mid-morning I’m ready for my morning caffeine hit and something sweet with some fruit."
"With a busy day its always essential to have lunch options that are easy and fast. My go-to when working from home is microwavable brown rice, a tin of lime and pepper tuna and frozen vegetables, which I always have available in the pantry or freezer. A simple formula of at least 1-2 cups of vegetables/salad, a serve of protein (tin of tuna, 2 eggs, chicken or lean meat) and some low GI carbohydrates is a great way to keep you full and satisfied."
"To get me through to dinner this is a great source of healthy fats and low GI carbohydrates, or I’ll have a handful of unsalted nuts."
"A stir fry is a great way to get in at least 3 or more different types of vegetables and is quick and easy! I usually have broccoli, carrot, capsicum and bok choy and love using Asian flavours such as chilli, ginger, soy and fresh lime juice. Combined with chicken to increase the protein, and I’ll add some brown rice or noodles."
"I’m usually after something sweet as an evening snack, and my go-to is usually yoghurt or a few squares of dark chocolate."
Your weight loss journey isn’t something you have to go through on your own. Research shows that support from a health professional gives you the best chance of succeeding in weight loss. That’s why CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet members have access to Total Wellbeing Health Coaches during their program.
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