Carly kicked her junk food habit and got her energy back

Carly kicked her junk food habit and got her energy back

Like many busy mums, Carly was putting herself last – making meals for her kids and snacking on chocolate, chips and ice cream as a way to keep her energy up. But after joining the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, Carly lost 22.3 kg* and gained her energy back!

Name: Carly
Starting Weight: 84.1 kg
Current Weight: 61.8 kg
Total Loss: 22.3 kg
Refund Received: Yes

* In 40 weeks. Individual results may vary. 

Carly's Story

Describe your life before the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet

After having my second child I thought this was just how my body was now, but I wasn’t prioritising my health. I thought I was eating properly but it turns out I was starving myself and I now realise that any unhealthy foods I ate would keep my weight on as I wasn’t nourishing my body. 

I never meal planned, nor ate more than a serve of vegetables a day. I ate chocolate, salt and vinegar chips and ice cream. My biggest vice was chocolate as I would decide to eat only one piece but that would often become 2-3 rows.

My exercise was limited to walking once a week maximum. But my weight became a noticeable issue when I could no longer do up my size 14 pants.

Then I had a student ask me if I was having a baby - I wasn’t.

Why did you choose the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet?

I tried a low-fat, low-dairy, low-meat diet in the past and lost 5kg in 1 month, but then promptly put it back on as it was not sustainable. I also tried intermittent fasting and found it very hard to adhere to.

With the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, I could see that the science was focused on more than simple weight loss and I could see the results in other members.

The thing I like best about the program is the ease of use, the flexibility, and the way it empowers members to make better food and exercise choices without restricting foods or whole food groups.

I also love that it allows for a small indulgence a day. I think this is great because severely restrictive diets that prohibit foods are unsustainable in the long term.

How has your life changed since losing weight?

I have never eaten so well – the recipes are just like having a restaurant at home! We saved on our weekly shopping bill and my husband is happy that I no longer snore.

I try to exercise at least every second day now, which is usually 30 minutes on my exercise bike, and I also jog 6km once a week – something I have not been able to do since high school!

My knees don’t creak as much, I am no longer breathless after climbing the stairs at work and I have the same energy that I enjoyed 20 years ago.

I am receiving lots of comments from friends, family and work colleagues about how healthy and happy I am looking.

What advice do you have for others trying to lose weight and reduce their junk food intake?

  • The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet program is not just a diet but a transformation of your life that has so many benefits beyond weight loss. Give it a try! 

  • If you don’t buy junk food, you can’t snack on it! Stick to your shopping list but if you do buy treats, try to buy them in portion-controlled sizes rather than in big sizes

  • Try to remember which is more important to you – eating healthily and losing/maintaining your weight or enjoying discretionary food that you don’t really need. The answer will almost always be the former

  • If you need motivation, read the success stories on the Facebook page and website. They are proof the program works

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