Michael lost almost a third of his body weight in 10 months

Michael lost almost a third of his body weight in 10 months

Years of travelling for work and eating too much of the wrong foods caused Michael to put on weight. He was aching all over, unfit, and looking for a quick fix when a visit to the doctor shocked him into a lifestyle change. Michael decided to join the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, embraced the program wholeheartedly, and went on to lose 44 kg* in 10 months.

Name: Michael
Starting Weight: 140 kg
Current Weight: 95.6 kg
Total Loss: 44.4 kg

* In 40 weeks. Individual results may vary. 

Michael's Story

Describe your life before the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet?

For years I played around with just about every fad diet, lost weight and promptly put it back on, reverting back to poor eating habits. I allowed myself to make excuses for my weight gain and at my heaviest, my weight was over 160 kg.

I felt that what I looked like wasn’t the 'real me’ who was disciplined and well organised.

I really hated the feeling of not being able to do what I used to do as an energetic sportsperson. I had aches and pains in my joints, I was sleeping dreadfully, and I felt out of breath just tying up my shoelaces.

On top of this, my family were very concerned about my long-term health and wellbeing and I wasn’t able to easily play with my grandchildren.

Why did you choose the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet?

I had my annual blood tests which revealed I was now a diabetic. I went back to the doctor looking for a quick fix, but he didn’t provide one. Instead, he suggested I go to a dietitian or look into gastric banding. I was so annoyed with him that when I went home to my wife I said, ‘I’m going to make a change now!”

In the days before visiting the doctor I had seen an offer from Qantas about the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, and it looked like it could be for me. I joined that night and started straight away.

How has your life changed since losing weight?

I can do anything now! I actually enjoy looking in the mirror and I love buying slim or skinny fit clothes. I feel fit and younger.

My blood sugar levels are now normal, my blood pressure is normal, my cholesterol is normal and according to my Fitbit app, my cardio fitness is excellent for men of my age!

My wife and I did the program together and have become who we always were. We are feeling very fit, eating a wholesome, sustainable diet and we are now able to cope with the occasional indulgence. Planning and accepting we need to make changes has been the key. Our health and fitness are probably the best they have been for decades.

What is the biggest lesson you've learned on your weight loss journey?

That it is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny.

What do you wish others knew about weight loss?

  • Start the program strong and stick to it to allow habits to become embedded
  • Don’t look for excuses
  • Unless you change there will be no change
  • Be prepared to challenge yourself
  • Plan and prepare what you eat in advance
  • Eat fresh
  • Don’t close your mind to eating things you think you don’t like
  • Try to have someone who supports you and comes along for the ride
  • You are never too old to change

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