Paula finally found an eating plan that suited her body & way of life

Paula finally found an eating plan that suited her body & way of life

Mother-of-two Paula gradually put on weight due to her busy life as a teacher, combined with too much eating out, alcohol and takeaway. But after joining the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, Paula lost 20 kgs and took back control over her nutrition!

Name: Paula
Starting Weight: 84 kg
Current Weight: 64 kg
Total Loss: 20 kg*

* In 31 weeks. Individual results may vary. 

Paula's Story

Describe your life before the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet?

I have always been active and exercised, but never paid much attention to better choices of food such as low GI.

I'm a teacher so I have structure most of the year, but school holidays were always a 'free for all'. I would have a few alcoholic drinks every night with cheese and dips and at the weekends we would always eat out or order takeaway where no food was off-limits.

I stopped looking at myself in full-length mirrors and bought my clothes online from the same brands so I could just order size 16 and not try any on!

Why did you choose the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet?

My youngest daughter was voted school captain and I looked at the photos taken of my family at the celebration. I looked uncomfortable in my clothes and I had made sure I was as close to the back of the group as possible (which is difficult when you're only 5 ft 6). I just didn't want my daughter to be embarrassed by me in such an important year for her. 

I lost weight years earlier for my 40th birthday by using appetite suppressants, however, when I stopped taking them my appetite returned and I hadn't learned any better eating habits.

So when I saw the story of one of the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet members on the TV talking about his weight loss I thought - he's a Brissy boy, why can't a Brissy girl do the same!

How has your life changed since losing weight?

I enjoy exercise so much more now as I don't get out of breath easily. Teaching five days a week means those afternoons aren't always free but I am up at 5am and exercise before work, there are no excuses now. 

I also enjoy shopping for clothes!

I want to continue this healthy attitude toward food and encourage my daughters and husband to continue with me.

What is the biggest lesson you've learned on your weight loss journey?

That this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Healthy eating isn't difficult - it just takes a little bit more time and organisation. 

What do you wish others knew about weight loss?

That one bad day doesn't mean you give up. Cop it on the chin, pull up your socks and start fresh the next day. 

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