The best weight loss diet plan for men over 40

A man over 40 lifting weights in the gym.

Your weight loss journey won’t always be a straight road, and as you get older you may find it gets a little windier. There’s no doubt that age can make weight management more tricky, but with the right tools and techniques you can still reach your weight loss goals.  

For men in their 40s, new obstacles come along that can make weight loss harder. These include lower testosterone, muscle loss and higher stress. But your 40s is the ideal time to get your health on track to prevent or treat conditions like type 2 diabetes, arthritis and high blood pressure, so it’s worth finding the best weight loss diet for you and making some lifestyle changes.  

Why weight loss after 40 is different and what you need to know

As you get older, you might find your weight slowly creeping up even though you haven’t changed your eating or exercise habits. There are a few reasons for this which include:

  • Muscle and metabolism 

    From the age of 30, humans naturally start to lose about three to eight percent muscle mass every decade. At the same time, men may also experience gradually declining testosterone levels, which can also lead to muscle loss. A higher muscle mass gives you a faster metabolism (i.e. your body burns more kilojoules for energy), so as you lose muscle, your metabolism slows and burns fewer kilojoules.
  • Stress & sleep 

    Good sleep and low stress are two of the main pillars of health. But in your 40s, you might find these parts of your life are totally unbalanced. With more career and family responsibilities, you may find your stress levels start to rocket while your sleeping hours plummet. 

    Both high stress and poor sleep can trigger increased eating, making it harder to manage your weight. What’s more, when you’re sleep-deprived, you’re more likely to reach for an unhealthy quick-fix meal, rather than something nutritious.   
  • Alcohol

    Alcohol can also be a significant barrier to weight loss as you get older. You may not be knocking them back like you did in your 20s, but even a moderate amount of booze can still add to your waistline thanks to the number of kilojoules in each drink. Research shows that surplus fat in men makes a beeline to the midsection – read: beer belly. Plus, much like being stressed or sleep-deprived, you’re more likely to make poor food choices when you’re a few drinks deep.

Key components of a successful weight loss diet plan for men over 40

The goal posts will shift slightly in your 40s, but a well-planned diet and some lifestyle changes will still help you lose the weight you want. The key things to keep in mind for the best weight loss diet include:  

  • Eat more protein to lose weight. Research shows that by consuming a higher protein diet, you can treat or prevent age-related muscle loss. Including more protein in your meals and snacks will help you retain muscle mass, which will keep your metabolism firing and working its best. 
  • Get familiar with portion control. Generally as you get older, you don’t need to eat as much as you did in your 20s and 30s. Learning the right portions for your health and weight loss needs will keep you full and satisfied, give you the energy you need and help you lose weight.  

  • Meal planning is key to success. Meal plans take all the guesswork out of weight loss. Knowing exactly what you’re eating for days in advance allows you to always have healthy options at the ready. By cooking ahead, you’ll have nutritious meals waiting for you in the fridge when you’re too tired to cook.

    RELATED: Preview the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet meal plans and find the best one for you! 
  • Cut back on booze. Alcohol can still have a place in your life, but consider it an occasional indulgence that you factor into your overall diet. The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet allows for regular indulgences, including alcohol, so you can still enjoy a glass of wine or beer (sans any guilt!) and know you’ll still lose weight. 
  • Make some lifestyle changes. If you don’t already have one, getting into a good fitness routine will serve you well as you enter your 40s and beyond. Not only will regular exercise offer physical benefits like increased muscle mass and cardiovascular health, but you’ll also enjoy many mental health benefits too.

    Moreover, regular exercise can help to reduce stress levels and improve your sleep. If you’re time poor, find ways to incorporate small bouts of exercise into your day, like a walk on your lunch break. Or try to combine family time with fitness time: go for a bike ride together, swim at the beach or go for a bush walk!

How the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet can help men over 40 lose weight  

The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet has helped thousands of Australians successfully reach their weight loss goals and achieve fantastic health outcomes. Our higher protein meal plans feature delicious recipes that take the guesswork out of meal planning and portion control, while our simple exercise plans make it easy to get fit from your living room (no equipment needed!)  

Check out two of our inspiring members, Terry and Brian, who both smashed their weight loss goals with the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet:  

A before and after image of CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet member Terry who lost 100kg* in 2 years.

Terry lost 100 kg

Terry's weight loss journey with the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet began in 2018 when he was struggling with joint pain, high blood pressure, and pre-diabetes.

After two years, Terry lost 100 kg, which was over 50% of his body weight, and has since maintained his weight loss. His inspiring story demonstrates that not only is a significant weight loss achievable, but it is also possible to maintain it over time.

To celebrate his achievement, Terry climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was something he never thought possible.

A before and after image of CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet member Brian who lost 27kg* in 25 weeks.

Brian lost 27 kg

Brian had been carrying extra weight due to a poor diet and the stress of COVID-19 and lockdowns. After a blood test confirmed his health needed improvement, he joined the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet program.

He found the program to be flexible, with an awesome Facebook community, and a key tracking system to help him succeed. In 25 weeks, he lost 27 kg, which allowed him to return his blood test readings to healthy levels, train for a marathon, and have a more active lifestyle. The refund incentive motivated him to stick to the programs.

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