A high protein diet was the key to Jes's weight loss success

A high protein diet was the key to Jes's weight loss success

Small business owner and mum, Jes, began to gain weight when she started working in pharmaceutical sales. It was this lifestyle change that involved a lot of downtime that began to have a negative impact on her weight.

Even though she was continuing her steady and healthy diet, it was her portion sizes and high carbohydrate foods that made her weight climb to a top of 78 kg.

"This obviously wasn’t keeping me full, so I would keep on snacking. I would eat a bowl of pasta for dinner, and then realise I was still hungry, so I would eat a piece of fruit, then crackers and cheese and I would basically snack all night long."

Social support

After the craziness of having her first baby settled down, Jess decided that at the six month mark postpartum, she would take the time to focus on herself and lose the weight. She posted on a local mum’s group to find out what her best options were. A few women recommended the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, so she signed up that night.

It's all about high protein diet

Jes went on to lose a fantastic 21 kg* on the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet. Crediting the diet's high protein philosophy and food group method to her success. Learning the positive decisions on food groups gave Jes the freedom to eat without counting the calories and feeling guilty.

"When calorie counting, I just wouldn’t eat, causing me to get hungrier. With food groups though, it’s always a positive decision. By being able to eat and not feel guilt, I satisfied the craving and wasn’t hungry after."

*In 6 months. Individual results may vary.

Jes after photo, outdoors.

Received a refund

Not only has Jes learnt the value of portion control and food groups but Jes also received a refund and gained back control of her life.

"I love so much about the program. I received a refund and now my life doesn’t revolve around food. My body recognises real hunger rather than boredom or cravings, and I also eat a lot more protein."

Jes's top tips for weight loss success

  1. Just do it! Even if you don’t need to lose weight, thinking in terms of the food groups is a really healthy and positive way to get healthy.
  2. Eat your protein!
Jes after weight loss, outdoors.

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