Lauren lost weight by eating more food than she ever has before

Lauren lost weight by eating more food than she ever has before

Lauren's experience of weight loss diets in the past involved very little food and even less long-term success. The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet helped her realise that you don't need to go hungry to lose weight, and in fact, you can eat an abundance of food, feel healthy and lose weight all at the same time! 

Starting weight: 114.2 kg

Current weight: 77.6 kg

Total loss: 36.6 kg*

*In 18 months. Individual results may vary. 

Lauren's story

Describe your life before the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet

I used to rely on food to solve problems and I didn't stop to think that in itself was a problem. I used to eat lots of junk food and the portions were too big

I was quite downtrodden, and I felt extremely unhappy with my weight. I think the biggest issue is when you look in the mirror and don’t even recognise the person staring back at you. 

My 'moment of truth' came when I could no longer fit into any of my normal clothes and had to keep buying bigger sizes. 

Why did you choose the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet? 

I had tried other diets before, but they are quite limited as I'm gluten intolerant. The experience has always been that I've put the weight back on as there wasn't enough variety for me to stick to. 

My mother had heard about CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet on A Current Affair and thought that this diet would work for me because of the large amounts of food groups I could eat. She was right!

What do you like about the program? 

I love, love the Food Tracker! It's quite amazing to see what an indulgence unit is. The best part is having a goal that you can meet and seeing how far you have to go within your allowances.

I think the thing that made me so successful with the program was the large amount of food you must eat. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten this much in my life! I was used to eating so little on diets, but this diet is different – it changes your view.    

How has your life changed now that you have lost the weight? 

I feel amazing and so much better about myself. I can actually look in the mirror now. It’s the most fun shopping for clothes. 

Now, I eat at least six times a day with three main meals and three snacks in between. I also walk quite a lot to and from work, which has helped a lot. 

What do you do now that you never thought you would be able to do before?

Wear certain items of clothing that I never thought I would be able to wear. I am a lot more confident in my own skin! 

Lauren's top tips for staying motivated and on-track:

  • Remember that you are worth the effort.
  • Don't give up if you had a bad day or week. Keep moving forward – consistency is key! 
  • Prepare your snacks on Sunday so you can relax during the week and not have to think about it. 
  • Frozen vegetables are a great option for cooking if you're time poor. 
  • Keep fruit in your bag or in your drawer at work so you're not tempted by unhealthy snacks. 

Looking for weight loss motivation, dinner inspiration or exercise ideas? Check out the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet blog or read more incredible success stories

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